Channel: Vegas Valley Comic Book Festival
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Guest Q&A: Dan Schkade


Dan Schkade 2

Portland, Ore.-based writer and artist Dan Schkade is working with fellow VVCBF guest Matt Wagner on Dynamite Entertainment’s Will Eisner’s The Spirit, but he’s also known for his work on the self-published comic The Fowl and his neon-noir series from Pop! Goes the Icon, San Hannibal. Dan will join Matt at noon for a discussion about The Spirit, and will also be part of the “Do It With Pride” panel at 3 p.m.

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Eating whatever I please, walking to work, and being on a team of talented people I love and trust.

2. What is your greatest fear?

Sustaining a traumatic, debilitating brain injury. Whales.

3. On what occasion do you lie?

More often than not, when I’m asked whether or not I’ve called somebody.

4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’d add the ability to digest lactose.

5. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My God, ahead of me, I hope.

6. What do you most dislike about yourself?

My fear of confronting bills, insurance, and taxes. It’s just spinelessness. It irritates me.

7. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

“I already didn’t not do that.”

8. What is your most treasured possession?

A messy painting of a violin I stole from my grandpa’s house after he passed.

9. What do you most value in your friends?

Resiliency, brevity, and kindness to women. Especially in my female friends.

10. The quality you most admire in a person?

Being as humble as you are successful.

11. What supernatural gift would you most like to possess?

Some kind of healing ability, probably? That would solve a lot of my worries.

12. What is your favorite food?

Tough. Challah, maybe.

13. What is your favorite color?

Green. Deep green.

14. Who is your favorite fictional character?

Matt Murdock.

15. Who is your favorite person in history?

Ben Franklin.

16. Who is your favorite artist?

Kevin O’Neill – when it’s not Kyle Baker, Denys Cowan, or Steve Ditko.

17. Who is your favorite musician?

Tom Waits, if not David Bowie.

18. Who are your favorite writers?

Raymond Chandler, James Ellroy, Ann Nocenti, and Garth Ennis, for a few.

19. Who are your heroes in real life?

Oh man, don’t make me answer that. They’re all people I know personally, and I don’t need that noise getting around.

20. DC, Marvel, Lovecraft or Whedon Universe?

Early 2000s DC, Late ’80s Marvel, derivative Lovecraft but not the originals, and… I liked Buffy?

21. What is your present state of mind?

Divided among three things. Feeling good. How’re you?

22. What is your motto?

Life ain’t no ride on no pink duck.

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